It will not break piston rings the way ether will.
This method works really well with CUT size diesels, presuming you know where to put the torch, and how to do it. When the engine cranks, it sucks the flame off the torch, and the engine gets a propane shot to help initial starting. The old timers who taught me, shoved a lit Bernz-O-Matic torch into the air intake, NOT the precleaner or the air cleaner, left it there for a few minutes, to heat the air manifold, and then shut the flame back to a minimum, and cranked the engine over.
This combination resulted in a lot less impact when it fired inside a cylinder that straight ether did, and prevented drivers and operators, who were pi$$ed, from loading a whole can of ether into the machine. GM diesel trucks had a device on the air pipe from the precleaner to the air cleaner that a mini capsuel of ether was inserted in and punctured, wittch cost around a quarter every time it was used, so most people just squirted ether in thru the cup. The cylinders cost $16, 1966 dollars, so it never became real popular. You didn't even have to raise the hood, but hot or cold, you just gave it a quick shot into the grill on the side where the air intake tube was, walk around, get in, start right up and go, but no way it was going to start without that./w3tcompact/icons/laugh.gif And he drove it every day for at least two years that way instead of getting it fixed./w3tcompact/icons/laugh.gifīack in the last century, ether was commonly used to start both diesels and gas engines but it wasn't conveniently packaged in aerosol cans till around 55 Then came around 66, a combination of propane and ether in a cylinder that looked a lot like a Bernz-O-Matic torch cylinder, that was attached to the firewall, and remotely triggered to deliver a measured shot of the mix. Reminds me of my cousin and his '81 F150 gasoline Ford pickup. But of course, for someone with your years of experience with a lot of different diesels, yep, I suspect it works just fine. Richard, this is a topic I don't know enough about, but I think the big secret is to not use too much ether and since all the small engine diesels I'm aware of, tractors, cars, etc., say to NOT do it, and since I've seen one Yanmar the dealer said he took in on trade and rebuilt the engine, replaced a piston and several other parts after the owner did that, I don't "recommend" that anyone with these compact tractors risk it. This (if "relatively safe") strikes me as much easier and much cleaner than spraying the WD-40.Īm I heading into disaster with this way of thinking? what are the pros and cons of taking that hand held and "wafting" some propane gas (unlit) into the air intake? (being sure to remove it so the engine doesn't try to go to a bazillion rpms. I have one of those propane tanks used to solder copper pipes with. That said, and me thinking about the propane part. What EVER is used as propellent, all i gotta say is, worked, and second, except for starting Brutus, I'd preferred to not spray a bunch of WD-40 into my precleaner. It was said that one reasone this did/might work, is because propane was used as propellent. Maybe it's good to do that, maybe it's bad to do that. 30 years ago, I used to carry a can in my car's trunk all the time.It was told to me, (and subsequently proved to work) that you can start a diesel by spraying WD-40 into the air intake. I might use starter fluid for my lawn mower once in a while, but I'll only buy it if the mower won't start at all. Now that most cars have fuel injectors instead of carburetors, I don't even bother keeping starter fluid in my garage. The engine is probably just flooded with gas. Now I'll just let the car rest for a few minutes if it won't start. I only use to spray it into the air intake of a carburetor, and that was when most cars had one. I agree with Phaedrus that starter fluid is not compatible with fuel injection. I can't see how anyone could stand breathing in those fumes every day. I accidentally oversprayed some ether-based starting fluid one time and my head was spinning for hours. I have to show my ID to buy it, along with gold or silver metallic spray paint. My local hardware store doesn't make it easy to buy starter fluid, especially the kind of starter fluid with ether.